by Art Bob

Was posed by Joe Leitel, after one of his favorite fictional characters, Robin Hood.

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"OLEI" cries the crowd as our young bullfighter escapes the charge of the maddened bull with only the loss of his trou-


This delightful study of youth at play was drawn by Art-Bob and posed by Joe Leitel and Don Fuller (different faces used for variety.)

"WHO" ARE THE READERS OF PHYSIQUE PICTORIAL? We were so gratified by the fine response of readers telling us of their choices in physique books, photos etc (as requested in our Spring 57 issue) that now we would like to presume further on your kindness in helping us to fine just who is the "typical" reader of our book (and books like it). So that your answers can be completely frank, candid and not restrained, dont put your name on the questionnaire if you dont want to. Please just show the numbers and your answers on any sheet of paper: 1: Your age. 2: Sex. (This refers to gender, not your opinion of the institution). 3. Married or Single? 4. Number of children if any. 5. If not married now do you eventually plan marriage? 6. What is your racial and national background? 7. Church: & Describe your body: 80: Your height 8b: Your weight 8c: Your waist. 8d: Color hair. 8e: Color eyes 9. Do you weightlift or bodybuild extensively? 10. Do you do any systematic exercise or sports activity at least several times a week? 11. What is your occupation? 12. What is your favorite hobby (or hobbies)? 13. How much money do you estimate you spend on physique magazines and physique photos in a year's time? 14. Through what grade of school or college did you go.? 15. Estimate roughly how many people you know well enough to, say, send them a Christmas card if you had an unlimited stock of cards, stamps time etc. 16. How many really close friends do you have--that is close enough that you would keep no secret from them? Thanks for answering some of these seemingly strange questions. They

will help us a great deal. Please also include an evaluation of this issue of PP if you have the time.

Page 19.